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发布时间:2018-11-23     来源:艾德威尔•瑞拓


If you need to use a high temperature butterfly valve in an ultra-high temperature condition, you may be using a water-cooled ultra-high temperature butterfly valve. This is because the water-cooled butterfly valve can continue to work stably even in an ultra-high temperature environment, and consumes less water and has a flexible rotation. However, the use of water-cooled butterfly valves requires a lot of attention.


Before use, fill the inner cavity of the valve plate with water, then adjust the water inlet through the regulating valve at the inlet, and control the water temperature at the outlet between 60 and 80 degrees Celsius. The inlet water flow rate is higher than that of the outlet. small. The amount of cooling water should be sufficient for recycling. If the flow switch has an alarm condition, it must be handled in time.



When using the manual handwheel, the auxiliary lever cannot be added. To ensure that the inlet and outlet piping system is unobstructed, the outlet pipe is higher than the valve.


Water-cooled butterfly valves can be installed horizontally or vertically, with the valve shaft in a horizontal position. In addition, the electric device cannot be used for lifting, and it is strictly prohibited to collide when using it, otherwise it is easy to damage the device.


Of course, the high temperature butterfly valves currently used in high temperature environments are not necessarily water-cooled high temperature butterfly valves, and there are more options for high temperature butterfly valves used in high temperature environments. If you need a high temperature butterfly valve, please feel free to contact us.

上一个:高温蝶阀为了满足高温需求,必须满足的要求 下一个:蝶阀是什么

版权所有:高温蝶阀,三偏心蝶阀生产企业-北京瑞拓江南自控设备有限公司欢迎您!  主营产品:高温蝶阀|三偏心蝶阀|高频蝶阀|   京ICP备05016881号-1
